2025 AASLD Committee Nominations
Welcome to 2025 AASLD Committee Nominations. Below is a list of vacant positions. Current and active AASLD members have the opportunity to peer or self nominate. Each member can nominate for 1 committee per cycle.
The nomination period will run through 12:00pmEDT on Friday, June 28th. If you have any questions regarding the Committee nomination process, please email committeeservice@aasld.org
AASLD Committee terms begin January 1, 2025.
2025 AASLD Committee Nominations
Volunteer for service on an AASLD Standing Committee.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
AASLD endeavors to create and support a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the association and all aspects of the hepatology continuum. In this year’s nomination ballot, we seek to have a diverse pool of candidates in terms of ethnicity, gender, institution, and career level. If you are a nominator, we strongly encourage you to nominate based on these guidelines.

Nomination Guidelines
- All current and active AASLD members can participate in the nomination process.
- Peer-nominations and self-nominations are accepted.
- Both the nominator and the nominee must be AASLD members in good standing.
- Each member can only submit one self-nomination. If a member appears in more than one nomination ballot, an intent-to-serve request will be requested of the member for a top-pick position.
- Members may nominate one committee per cycle.
- If nominating for/as a patient representative, AASLD membership is not a requirement.
Nomination Ballot Form
If you are self-nominating, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Full name
- Institution
- Email address
- Abridged version of your CV – (no more than 4 pages)
- Demographic information
- Committee Choice
- Personal Statement: briefly describe your experience, competencies, and interests relevant to the committee selections in question.
- If you are applying for a chair or chair-elect position please indicate that in your personal statement.
If you are peer-nominating, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Full name of nominee.
- Email address of nominee.
- Committee you are nominating them for.
- Your nominee will receive an email to fill out the application.
Patient Representatives Nominate Here
Committee Vacancies for 2025
Annual Meeting Education Committee
- 6 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 4 Member
- 1 Surgeon
Basic Research Committee
- 5 Openings
- 3 Members
- 1 Trainee
- 1 NIDDK Rep
Clinical Research Committee
- 4 Openings
- 1 Chair
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 2 Members
Communications and Technology Committee
- 2 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 1 Patient Representative
Continuing Medical Education Committee
- 5 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 Members
- 1 Trainee
Ethics Committee
- 5 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 4 Members
Finance Committee
- 3 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 2 Members
Fundamentals of Liver Disease (FOLD) Curriculum Committee
- 5 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 Members
- 1 Patient Representative
Global Outreach and Engagement Committee
- 4 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 Members
Hepatology Associates Committee
- 6 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 Members
- 2 Associate Members
Inclusion and Diversity Committee
- 2 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 1 Member
Individual Fundraising Committee
- 6 Openings
- Chair
- Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 committee members
- 1 Patient Representative
Industry Advancement Committee
- 5 Openings
- 1 Chair- Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 Members
- 1 Patient Representative
Journals Publications Committee
- 3 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 2 Members
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Committee
- 3 Openings
- 1 Chair
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 1 Member
Membership and Mentorship Committee
- 1 Opening
- 1 Member
Online Learning Committee
- 3 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect
- 1 Member
- 1 Patient Representative
Practice Guidelines Committee
- 8 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 6/7 Members
- 1 Trainee
Practice Metrics Committee
- 6 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 4 Members
- 1 Patient Representative
Public Policy Committee
- 7 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 3 Members
- 1 Associate Member
- 1 Trainee
- 1 Patient Representative
Research Awards Committee
- 13 Openings
- 1 Chair
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 11 Members
Surgery and Liver Transplantation Committee
- 3 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair)
- 1 Member
- 1 Trainee
Training and Workforce Committee
- 6 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect
- 4 Members
- 1 Trainee
Womens’ Initiative Committee
- 4 Openings
- 1 Chair-Elect
- 3 Members