2023 AASLD Special Interest Group (SIG) Committee Nominations
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
AASLD endeavors to create and support a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the association and all aspects of the hepatology continuum. In this year’s nomination ballot, we seek to have a diverse pool of candidates in terms of ethnicity, gender, institutional, and/or career level. If you are a nominator, we strongly encourage you to nominate based on these guidelines.

Nomination Guidelines
Welcome to the 2023 AASLD Special Interest Group (SIG) Committee Nominations. We are now accepting nomination ballots for 2024, which will run from Monday, August 28 – Friday, September 8. Please read the nomination guidelines and review the vacant positions and upcoming deadlines below.
- All active AASLD members can participate in the nomination process.
- Peer nominations and self-nominations are accepted.
- Both the nominator and the nominee must be AASLD members in good standing and members of the SIG for which the nomination is being submitted.
- Each member can only submit one self-nomination. If a member appears in more than one nomination ballot, an intent to serve request will be requested of the member for their top-pick position.
Nomination Ballot Form
If you are self-nominating, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Full name
- Email address
- Name of institution, professional experience, ethnicity
- Special Interest Group you wish to serve in
- Vacant position you are interested in occupying
- Reason you should be selected as a candidate
If you are peer-nominating, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Full name of nominee.
- Email address of nominee.
- Nominee's institution, professional experience, ethnicity.
- Special Interest Group you are nominating your candidate for.
- Vacant position you are nominating your candidate for.
- Reason for selecting this candidate.
* If interested in the associate or trainee lead position, please read the specific requirements prior to submitting a ballot.
Vacant Positions and Roles
Please carefully read the roles and responsibilities for each position below.
SIGs are the drivers and content creators for AASLD Educational programming. As such, SIG leadership will assist in the development of the following programming:
- The Liver Meeting (TLM)
- Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
- Emerging Topic Conferences (ETCs)
- Webinars
- Abstract Reviewers
- Recommendations for practice guidelines
- Other additional resources
Specific roles and responsibilities for each position are highlighted below.
1. Chair
The Chair will be responsible for:
- The oversight of the SIG steering committee members; including working closely with the Vice Chair and all other steering committee members.
- Will also serve additional responsibilities as requested by the Governing Board.
- Initiating, planning, and presiding over quarterly steering committee calls; of which includes work with a staff representative to develop meeting agendas.
2. Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair will be responsible for:
- Assisting the Chair in the performance of their duties.
- Working closely with the staff representative to monitor meeting content and approve transcribed quarterly meeting minutes.
- Assuming the position of the Chair in the event of a vacancy or resignation; Additionally, will succeed the Chair at the conclusion of the Chair’s term of office.
3. Trainee Lead
This role gives the opportunity for this member to gain experience in serving in a committee leadership position. The trainee committee member will be responsible for:
- Assisting the Chair and Vice-Chair in facilitating trainee engagement related to career opportunities, as well as representing the trainee perspective within the AASLD membership.
4. Associate Lead
This role represents the "advanced practice providers" (nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists) within the AASLD membership. The associate committee member will be responsible for:
- Assisting the Chair and Vice-Chair to facilitate engagement within the allied health community.
1. Acute on Chronic Liver Failure SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Associate Lead
2. Alcohol-associated Liver Disease SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Trainee Lead
Vacant position: Associate Lead
3. Cholestatic and Autoimmune Liver Diseases SIG Vacancy
Vacant position: Vice Chair
4. Clinical Practice SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Associate Lead
5. Hepatitis B SIG Vacancy
Vacant position: Associate Lead
6. Hepatitis C SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Trainee Lead
7. Hepatology Associates SIG Vacancy
Vacant position: Associate Lead
8. Hepatotoxicity SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Associate Lead
9. Liver Cancer SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Associate Lead
10. Liver Cell Biology in Hepatic Diseases SIG Vacancy
No vacant positions available
11. Liver Fibrosis SIG Vacancy
No vacant positions available
12. Liver Transplantation and Surgery SIG Vacancy
Vacant position: Vice Chair
13. Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Steatotic Liver Disease SIG Vacancy
Vacant position: Vice Chair
14. Pediatric Liver Disorders SIG Vacancies
Vacant position: Chair
Vacant position: Vice Chair
Vacant position: Associate Lead
Vacant position: Trainee Lead
15. Portal Hypertension: Clinical and Experimental SIG Vacancy
No vacant positions available
16. Public Health / Health Care Delivery SIG Vacancy
Vacant position: Vice Chair
* Please note, in 2025 we will be adding two additional leads (Education and Communication lead).
Important Dates:
- SIG elections will take place on September 18 – September 27.
- Election results will be announced on October 2.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our dedicated SIG staff team:
Akuender Dot – Director of Member Communities
Linda Howard – Manager of Member Communities