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Transformative Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Basic Liver Research: From Predicting Protein Structure to Multimodal Data, Part 1

Nov 17 2024
Convention Center: Room 29
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM


This workshop addresses how AI is revolutionizing the life sciences in hepatology and increasingly permeating the world of basic science. AI tools can be used for experimental design and modeling. AlphaFold, a landmark AI tool developed to predict protein conformation, is informing the development of small molecule inhibitors for different conditions. Other AI applications in basic research include sequencing, imaging, and structural biology. AI is being used to integrate clinical and high-throughput omics data for personalized diagnostic predictions and promises to inform individualized therapeutic approaches.

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  • Explain different AI methods and their use for specific scientific questions.
  • Review the AI tools being used to identify new pharmacologic compounds.
  • Discuss how AI tools are facilitating research involving complex omic datasets.

Juliet Emamaullee, MD, PhD

University of Southern California

Mamatha Bhat, MD, PhD

Toronto General Hospital