Thomas E. Starzl Transplant Surgery SOA: Life After a Liver Transplant—Victories, Challenges, and Opportunities for More

Nov 17 2024
Convention Center: Hall A - General Session
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Live Streamed


With advances in surgical techniques, multidisciplinary care, and immunosuppression, patient and graft survival continue to improve in liver transplantation. Excellent patient and graft survival have translated into an aging liver transplant recipient cohort that resembles a general chronic disease population. This session addresses the complexity of long-term care of liver transplant survivors, strategies to mitigate morbidity, and approaches to promote the long-term health and well-being of liver transplant recipients.

Journey Maps


11:50 AM - 11:50 AM
Nov 17 2024
San Diego, CA

Life After a Liver Transplant—Victories, Challenges, and Opportunities for More

Lisa VanWagner, MD MSc, Presenter


  • Describe the complexity of long-term care of liver transplant survivors.
  • Identify strategies and approaches to mitigate morbidity in liver transplant survivors.