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Comprehensive Symptom Assessment and Management in Adults With Cirrhosis, Part 2B


In this session, speakers model strategies for approaching difficult conversations with seriously ill persons with liver disease and their family/caregivers. A case of a patient with alcohol-associated hepatitis who deteriorated during their hospitalization is presented. Modules review key phrases that can help clinicians promote illness understanding for patients and families; cultivate strong prognostic awareness; and respond to emotions effectively when communicating serious news. Participants have the opportunity to practice a core set of communication skills in small breakout sessions; these communication strategies help support care that is both high quality and patient centered when approaching the end of life.


  • Review gaps in advance care planning and quality of end-of-life care for persons with liver disease and their family/caregivers
  • List key phrases that clinicians can use to promote illness understanding, cultivate prognostic awareness, and respond to emotions effectively during challenging conversations.