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Behind the Scenes of Steatotic Liver Disease: From Research Idea to High-Impact Publication


In this clinical research "fireside chat," authors of manuscripts published in high-impact journals that address the spectrum of steatotic liver disease with diverse research methodologies discuss their work—from study conception to implications of study findings. The session provides an in-depth exploration of the research process from the perspective of the investigator and their team. Presenters briefly discuss how they took an initial idea to study design to execution and publication. Presentations are followed by a more informal and interactive discussion between the presenters and moderators within the framework of a critical review, with a focus on challenges encountered during the process and creative strategies to overcome them. This program provides an opportunity for clinical attendees to explore the findings of recent, high-impact steatotic liver disease publications.

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  • Discuss the research process including opportunities and challenges in conducting clinical research.
  • Critically review recent high-impact publications addressing steatotic liver disease.

Kali Zhou, MD, MAS


Allison Kwong, MD

Stanford University Medical Center