
Brian P Lee, MD

Keck School of Medicine
Brian P Lee, MD


Dr. Lee is a transplant hepatologist who treats patients before and after liver transplant. His NIAAA-funded research program focuses on improving health for patients with alcohol use and liver disease, through: 1) early transplant in alcohol hepatitis; 2) intersection of alcohol and obesity in the liver; 3) health inequities; 4) public policy and advocacy; 5) novel therapies and translational science. His research has led to first-author studies in Lancet Public Health, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Journal of Hepatology, among others. His research has featured in New York Times, Washington Post, NBC Nightly News, Today Show, NPR, CNN, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, among others. He has led advocacy initiatives that successfully changed national- and state-wide transplant and insurance policies to improve healthcare access for patients. His research has incorporated into practice guidelines across North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. He has served as a voting member on the FDA Gastrointestinal Drugs Advisory Committee.