The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases appreciates your interest in covering The Liver Meeting and is happy to provide credentialed media with complimentary media registration.
Please review the "Press Eligibility, Bloggers, Photographers, Videographers" section on this page for eligibility requirements.
- Media registration is complimentary.
- All journalists are encouraged to register by November 9.
- AASLD does not share media lists.
Note: Only journalists and contributing freelancers, employed by a recognized news organization, are eligible to apply for complimentary media registration. PR agencies and their representatives are not permitted to register as media representatives.
Follow the meeting on social media using: #TLM24 and #TLMdX on X, Facebook and Instagram.
Press Eligibility, Bloggers, Photographers, Videographers
Read this section carefully, as there have been updates to our policies.
Journalists and contributing freelancers, employed by a recognized news organization, are eligible to apply for press registration. To be eligible for press registration, media in all categories must be directly involved in the creation of news content for organizations that meet these criteria:
- Publish original editorial news coverage in a regular news section
- Have complete editorial freedom from advertisers, funders and/or sponsors
- If sponsored, the outlet has multiple sponsors (no single-sponsored publications)
- Advertisers, sponsors, paid editorial, and other funding sources are clearly identified
Bloggers will receive press credentials on a case-by-case basis. Please include a link to recent liver disease, hepatology, or health care science coverage with your registration for credentials. Finally, all blogs must demonstrate the dissemination of original, editorial news coverage and editorial freedom from advertisers and/or sponsors (single-sponsored blogs will not receive credentials; blogs with advertising must have multiple advertisers clearly identified).
NOTE: AASLD has the right to inspect the credentials of anyone registering as media and reserves the right to refuse to register any individual as press.
Ineligible Registrants and Prohibited Activities
Read this section carefully, as there have been updates to our policies.
The following individuals are not eligible for media registration:
- Individuals who receive exhibitor passes
- Publishers or a publication's advertising, marketing, public relations, sales, circulation, or any other non-editorial representatives
- Industry/exhibitor press officers and their public relations consultants
- Financial or business analysts
- Educational program developers (including CME writers and editors)
- Trade media management personnel
- Editors, writers, and scientific advisory board members for journals that do not have editorial news sections
- Companies or organizations producing publications, videos, and/or other electronic media intended for internal use, marketing, advertising, financial analysis, or public relations purposes
- Media which produce a communications vehicle that is sponsored by a single organization or whose revenue for the publication or issue of a publication depends solely on coverage of The Liver Meeting Digital Experience ™
- Media which produce a communications vehicle that uses the AASLD’s name or logo, or The Liver Meeting® or The Liver Meeting Digital Experience ™ name/logo to imply an endorsement from AASLD
NOTE: AASLD prohibits the development of CME content based on information presented at its meetings. CME writers and editors, and those writers and editors working on behalf of organizations that have written CME based on AASLD meetings, are not eligible for media passes.
Prohibited Activities
- Sales, marketing, or representing a company for the purposes of obtaining advertising, subscriptions, selling photography/video production, or other products or services from any registrant or exhibitor
- Misrepresentation of role or activities to obtain media registration
- Sharing or distributing embargoed materials prior to the end of the embargo
- Developing or assisting in the development of CME programs
- Soliciting presenters and/or attendees for inclusion in CME programs
- Publishing or posting presentation slides, live streams of meeting presentations, or sharing copyrighted meeting materials without written permission. See the copyright policy listed below for more information
Embargo Policy
Media Kits
Media kits, with press releases and tip sheet, will be emailed to registered media in advance of the meeting. All press releases provided will be subject to embargo.
Media Policies and Guidelines
The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases appreciates your interest in covering The Liver Meeting. Below you will find a complete listing of the eligibility requirements, guidelines, and policies for members of the press who wish to attend in-person or virtually.
Video/Audio Recording, Copyright, and Use of Insignias and Logos
Read this section carefully, as there have been updates to our policies.
Video/Audio Recording
Download our camera policy and application here.
- Recording TLM or TLMdX sessions, exhibit spaces and posters is prohibited.
- Under no circumstances may presentations be rebroadcasted.
- Any images from the Meeting should be credited to The Liver Meeting® or The Liver Meeting Digital Experience™ 2024.
Copyright Policy
- Reproduction of materials such as abstract data, posters, presentation slides, etc. requires obtaining permission from the listed author(s) and/or presenter(s) as well as from any individual or group that may hold copyright on the material.
- Requests to reproduce excerpts of content published in the Abstract Supplement must be through the publisher. These requests can be made through Rightslink’s Copyright Clearance Center by clicking the “Permissions” button on the left side menu of the Abstract Supplement published in Hepatology.
- Journalists violating copyright may have their media credentials denied the following year.
Use of Insignias and Logos
Insignias and logos of the AASLD, The Liver Meeting®, The Liver Meeting Digital Experience ™ or AASLD Foundation are proprietary marks. Use of these in any fashion, by any entity, for any purpose, is prohibited without the written permission of AASLD. The use of insignias, logos and images that mislead the intended audience to believe that a piece or production is coming from the AASLD is strictly prohibited and will result in the denial of press credentials for future meetings.
Dedicated Websites and Newsletters
If you intend to present coverage of The Liver Meeting or TLMdX in a dedicated website or newsletter, please include the following disclaimer at the top of your piece: This information is brought to you by [insert organization name] and is not sponsored by, nor a part of, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases or The Liver Meeting® or The Liver Meeting Digital Experience™. Additionally, you may not use the AASLD or The Liver Meeting® or The Liver Meeting Digital Experience™ logos or names to imply affiliation.
AASLD reserves the right to request promotional activities violating this policy be edited or removed. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in loss of press credentials for future meetings.
Media Information for Exhibitors
- All exhibitors are expected to comply with all rules and regulations set forth by AASLD and The Liver Meeting and The Liver Meeting Digital Experience
- AASLD does not share media lists. Media that traditionally covers The Liver Meeting® include trade and consumer media, international and the US.
AASLD will not display exhibitor press materials in the Newsroom. Press materials on research presented during the meeting must be given attribution to The Liver Meeting 2024 or The Liver Meeting Digital Experience. NOTE: AASLD does not review/approve press materials. Exhibitors are responsible for reviewing and adhering to the Embargo Policy and should refrain from using the AASLD logo, The Liver Meeting® logo, The Liver Meeting Digital Experience™ logo and should not imply an endorsement from AASLD.
Outside Press Conferences
- Press conferences held by exhibitors or other groups (outside of AASLD’s official media program) are considered “outside press conferences” and must be held outside of official meeting hours; groups are responsible for securing their own space or virtual environment.
- AASLD will not promote outside press conferences. Exhibitors can include mention of press conferences in their digital booth space.
- Groups planning to hold press conferences must register their conferences with Caroline Laurin at and include the following information: Date, time, link, and the topic of the press conference.
You may contact our team at with questions about TLM media registration. Please note, only journalists and contributing freelancers, employed by a recognized news organization, are eligible to apply for press registration. PR agencies or their representatives are not permitted to register as media representatives.
For more information about media eligibility, please carefully review the "Press Eligibility, Bloggers, Photographers, Videographers" section (above) on this page. Thank you.
Media Partners
Thanks to our partners for their support of The Liver Meeting!

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