Brian Bourgault

Mr. Bourgault works in the Cryptocurrency industry as Sr. Director of Global Solutions for CipherTrace, a Mastercard Company. He holds a MSCS (computer science) and MBA with over 30 years in the Software Industry. In March of 2016, he was diagnosed with Alcohol Associated Liver Disease (Alcohol Hepatitis) and received a liver transplant on April 7, 2016 at UMass Memorial Hospital. Since his liver transplant and as part of his social mission, Brian has served on the New England Board of Directors for American Liver Foundation and donates his time as Patient Advocate for ALF, AASLD and Donate Life organizations. In 2018, he gave a Patient Advocacy presentation to the FDA on behalf of UMass Memorial and ALF. Brian also donates his time to support pre and post AALD liver transplant patients.