
David E. Kleiner

National Cancer Institute, Bethesda
David E. Kleiner


Dr. Kleiner obtained an M.D. and Ph.D. (Chemistry) from the University of Chicago. After a residency in Anatomic Pathology at the National Cancer Institute, he joined the faculty of the Laboratory of Pathology in the NCI. He is currently a Senior Research Physician and Chief of the Postmortem Section of the Laboratory of Pathology with expertise in hepatic pathology. His research has focused on chronic liver disease, drug-induced liver injury and liver cancer, with particular attention to assessing histological responses to therapy. He has played a key role as a pathologist for the NIDDK sponsored clinical networks: the NASH CRN, DILIN and the HBRN. He has authored or co-authored over 400 articles in the medical literature as well as multiple book chapters and review articles on the histopathology of DILI and NASH.