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Bridging the Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Patient for Liver Transplantation: Pearls and Pitfalls


In this session, the acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) SIG presents a case of a critically ill patient with severe ACLF being evaluated for liver transplantation. The case serves as the springboard to discuss 4 distinct topics focusing on clinical patient management: (1) critical care strategies, (2) bridging therapies, (3) outcomes in patients considered for and transplanted for ACLF, and (4) the role of living donor liver transplantation. The session concludes with a case summary and panel discussion. 



  • Review the integration of critical care management strategies and advanced therapies into the clinical management of patients with ACLF being bridged to liver transplantation.
  • Summarize the outcomes of ACLF patients being evaluated for and undergoing liver transplantation.
  • Discuss the role of living donor liver transplantation in patients with ACLF.

Christina C Lindenmeyer, MD

Cleveland Clinic

Constantine Karvellas, MD, SM, FRCPC, FCCM

University of Alberta