Date and Time
- Friday, November 10, 2023
- 10:45 - 12:30 and 2:00 - 3:30
Course Description
This is a hands-on, interactive workshop designed to provide attendees with the fundamental knowledge and introductory skills to perform elastography in clinical practice. Attendees will be introduced to the role of elastography in disease staging with examples for use to include access to pharmacotherapy in NASH, need for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance, and identification of clinically significant portal hypertension. Alternatives to elastography will be discussed. Hands-on training in elastography examination performance and case-based interpretation will be followed by a knowledge check.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the role of elastography examination in clinical practice (indications for exam).
- Identify limitations of elastography and alternatives to this examination.
- Understand the technique for performing an elastography examination.
- Be able to evaluate the quality of an elastography examination and interpretation of examination results within a broader clinical context.
Lecture Titles
Introduction: Welcome and overview of the workshop
Transient Elastography 101:
- What liver tissue properties are measured and how
- What are the current indications for elastography examination in clinical practice
- When is elastography examination inappropriate?
- What other tests can be used if US-based elastography is not available
- What are the options when an examination is not technically successful
- What if elastography results conflict with findings on other clinical examinations
Hands on VCTE training
- What do you need in your exam space
- Confirming that your patient is ready for their exam
- Patient positioning and draping
- Examiner positioning
- Identification of landmarks
- Finding the optimal location
- Common challenges to a successful exam Attendee practice
Case-Based VCTE Interpretation
- What do those lines mean
- Is this IQR good enough
- The US report said there was cirrhosis but the LSM is low
- The US said there was no fatty liver but the CAP is high
- This patient has right-sided heart failure (or history of Fontan procedure)
- This patient has alcohol associated hepatitis
- This patient has an ALT of 500
Knowledge Check
Closing Remarks and Feedback