Hepatorenal Syndrome: Case-Based Discussion on Evidence-Based Recommendations

Nov 11 2023
Room 210 - Hynes Convention Center
12:30 - 2:00 PM EST


Supported by: Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Organized by: Medscape Education


Kevin Moore

Michael P. Curry

Juan Carlos Velez

Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a serious functional kidney impairment that occurs as a complication of hepatic cirrhosis. HRS-acute kidney injury (AKI) accounts for 75% of all HRS cases, and is associated with high in-hospital mortality and poor long-term survival without liver transplantation. Despite updated guidelines and therapeutic advancements, the prognosis for high-risk patients remains poor. The early recognition and treatment of HRS-AKI are essential for optimizing both short-term and long-term outcomes. In this interactive MedscapeLIVE! educational symposium, a panel of experts will walk you through a patient case and provide guidance on how to make a prompt diagnosis and effectively manage these patients to improve their outcomes. Join us for this 90- minute CME-certified learning event to get the answers you need for managing your patients with HRS-AKI! 

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  1. Have greater competence related to Identifying the signs of HRS-AKI, selecting the diagnostic criteria for HRS-AKI, and applying evidence-based treatment options for HRS-AKI
  2. Demonstrate greater confidence in their ability to integrate new data and guideline recommendations in the management of HRS-AKI

CME Hours: Maximum of 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™

For more information and to register, visit: https://na.eventscloud.com/website/60597/