
Einar Stefan Bjornsson

Bio image for Einar Stefan Bjornsson


Einar S. Bjornsson MD PhD Professor and Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine, Landspitali University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland. MD 1989 Iceland, Fellowship 1993-1995 and PhD 1994, Gothenburg Sweden, Post-doc Ann Arbor 1996-1997. Sabbaticals: Mayo Clinic 2008-2009, NIH Bethesda 2014-2015, Malaga Spain 2021-2022. Author of >390 publications Google Scholar> 37.000 citations Executive editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013-2019 Associate editor of the Journal of Hepatology since 2019


Nov 11 2023

Wait, Wait Don’t DILI!

4:00 - 5:00 PM EST
Room 312