Clinical Trials in HBV: Are You Interested in Volunteering for HBV Clinical Trials? What Patients Need to Know or Understand
Room 310
Hynes Convention Center
- 10:00 AM EST
Are you a hepatitis B patient? Do you have a family or know someone living with hepatitis B? Are you interested in learning about clinical trials and how to participate in one? Come join us for an open dialogue among clinicians and patients. We want to hear your thoughts about what is important to you regarding clinical trials:
-What will make it easy/interesting for you to participate in a clinical trial.
-Your thoughts on how the industry can improve recruitment of patients in trials.
-What formulary or new class of antivirals are you hoping/wish for.
-What do you want researchers/scientist/industry to know about a cure for HBV from patients.
- Understand what is a clinical trial
- Learn why clinical trials are important
- Learn about where to find clinical trials to participate in and get updates on current trials